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Steel Belt Skull Ain

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

Robert Harmon’s one of those guys... he made a bona fide low-budget drive-in classic once, and you can argue all day long that THE HITCHER is trashy or exploitation or that it stars C. Thomas Howell, and you’d be right, but you’d be missing the point: it works in spite of all that. Because he’s got that one film under his belt, I have to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Still, he doesn’t seem to have much else to his credit, and there’s always the nagging suspicion that Eric Red may have been just as much a part of what made THE HITCHER work as Harmon was.

Today’s scooper certainly doesn’t have anything good to see about New Line’s late summer entry, HIGHWAYMEN, which we’ve had a few other rough reviews for previously. Sounds problematic, to say the least:

Oi Moriarty,

Steel Belt Skull here with just a small tidbit of info. Last night at the New Line Screening room in Beverly Hills, we were dragged in to see a work print of "Highwaymen", the new Jim Caviezel and Colm Feore film.


This is definetly one to wait for video, trust me. The great concept of this film only goes so far.

Following the tidbits of info that flux from your site, I have been aware of this somewhat scary thriller that was developing down in H-town that involved a 425 Hemi Cuda, a 78 El dorado and an evil sonovabitch who liked to murder young women using his car.

This is as cool as the movie gets. The cars.

While what I saw was work print, some of the shots haven't been color corrected, they decided on different dialogue (so we hear someone elses voice throughout the film), the score wasnt set, etc. These were not the problems of the film.

There is no character in this film it seems, we're filled with bad dialoge on why our hero Jim hunts the evil Colm. We have this poor excuse for a romance between Jim and Rhona (We remember her from Verhoven's HOLLOW MAN, where she gets raped) that doesn't even make sense because all they do is talk about his dead wife. And, to be dramatic, there are holes in every line of the story.

But, you do want to see this on video, because there is some cool shit done with the Cuda and the Caddy. Although the actions sequences don’t compare to what we saw in Final Destination 2, there are some nice car scenes.

Two, to be exact.

Well, do what you want with this........

Steel Belt Skull.....

Let’s hope that whatever the film doesn’t do right at the moment can be fixed or addressed before it comes out, eh?

"Moriarty" out.

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