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AFM: Undercover Quint on PLOTS WITH A VIEW starring Doc Ock and Christopher Walken!

Harry here... I ain't got nothing to say other than... I want to see this one. Here ya go...

Ahoy squirts! Quint here on this quite heavy day of war. While the thoughts of the world are focused on our little dickfight with Saddam, I figured what better time to finish my sneaky American Film Market coverage. I'll be writing up the last reviews from AFM in the next few days, but I had to get to PLOTS WITH A VIEW first, a sweet romantic comedy about death.  

This film is about a shy, good natured funeral parlor owner played by Doc Ock himself, Alfred Molina making his living in a small English town. As a child just missed out on asking his sweetheart to dance at a party. While he was working up the nerve a brash kid jumped in front of him, taking the girl's hand, breaking their eye contact and delaying true love. That brash kid grew up to be a big time local politician, a pillar of the community, but a terrible husband. He sleeps with his whorish secretary (played in heavy Tammy Faye-ish make-up by fanboy fantasy Naomi Watts), treats his wife like a servant and is just an all around bad guy.  

His wife, played by Brenda Blethyn, doesn't know about his adultery, but is unhappy in the marriage anyway. She slaves away taking care of her husband's sick, yet still sharp tongued mother. When the crabby old broad finally kicks the bucket, Blethyn is thrown back into Molina's life as he's taking care of all the funeral arrangements, much to the chagrin of Frank Featherbed (Christopher Walken), a flashy American who runs the other funeral parlor in town which specializes in embarrassing (yet hilarious) themed funerals. You haven't lived until you see Walken throw a Star Trek themed funeral for an 80 year old lady.  

Anyhow, Blethyn and Molina reignite the old spark and both know they need to be with each other, yet Blethyn's personal ethics won't let her divorce her husband and take half the money. So, of course, they decide she can "die" and leave all her money to her poor husband. After the funeral, which Molina will oversee, obviously, the two will be free to live out the rest of their lives happily ever after. Of course everything that can go wrong does and more. Walken enters the picture and all hell breaks loose.  

This movie is funny, sweet and beautifully told. I really had a blast with it. It actually strangely reminded me of a Jean-Pierre Jeunet film. It has that fairy tale quality, the soft amber glow. Molina shines in the film. You connect with him instantly. He's the kind of actor who has that power to make himself completely sympathetic with one look. I can't wait to see the humanity and depth he brings to Otto Octavious in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN.  

Blethyn also shines, a perfect match with Molina. You see their connection, the love, the energy in such subtlety that it might not even register for a few seconds. I have yet to see LOVELY AND AMAZING, which she is probably best known for, but after seeing what she can do in PLOTS WITH A VIEW, I'll definitely seek it out.  

Walken is at his best here. Quirky, fun, a tad threatening. Perfect casting. His comedic timing is great and works well with his sidekick, played by Lee Evans, probably best known as Tucker from THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY. Walken has been hitting 'em outta the park recently. POOLHALL JUNKIES, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, PLOTS WITH A VIEW... He's on one helluva streak... We'll forget about COUNTRY BEARS.  

Naomi Watts is great, as usual, though not in the movie very much. Fanboys rest assured, she spends most of her screentime in very, very revealing clothing.  

MIRAMAX has this movie and I guarantee they'll drop it at the end of the year and push it for an Oscar. It's that sweet little romantic comedy, the CHOCOLAT of this year. If they don't have another contender it might be the big one they push. I think audiences will lap this movie up if it's presented to them correctly. It's a feel good romantic comedy that doesn't pander or manipulate your emotions. I for one can't wait to see it again, this time taking my girl who is just as much a Walken fanatic as I am.  

Keep your eyes open for this one. It's a winner.  

Alright, off to continue working on my AFM wrap-up. Got reviews of the newest Godzilla flick, a black comedy involving bowling balls and aliens and William H. Macy's ballsac. Intrigued? You should be. 'Til then, this is Quint bidding you all a fond farewell and adieu.  


email: You throw me the email I throw you the whip! No time to argue!!!

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