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Fan Made HOBBIT Teaser Trailer Gives Goosebumps!

Hey folks, Harry here... I don't post links to fan made trailers often. In fact, I think the last one I did was well over a year ago to that SPIDER-MAN trailer that made use of the original Cartoon Theme Song, but every now and again a fan in the world makes a little trailer that just gives me goosebumps. Making use of imagery from FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS and DRAGONSLAYER, Steve Latham envisions a teaser trailer of epic proportions for THE HOBBIT.

Now as great as the imagery is, the editing to the music, the idea itself... The part that most gets me are his end credits... Just simple things like the names: Ian Holm -- Ian McKellen -- Andy Serkis all fading up on screen... Then there's Peter Jackson's name, which produces a giggle from me. Then "Smaug Awakens December 16.... 2006" See, that's the part I love. Not that it is just a fake trailer that is well put together, but one with reasonable expectations... Hehehe...

So, what is the reality of THE HOBBIT? Well, Peter has seemingly softened a bit in his "I'll never do it" stance, but meanwhile the reality of Peter's schedule is another thing altogether.

As best as any one can tell, Peter will indeed be making that tiny film about those oh so weird folks that did the sex assignment through surgery to their offspring film, there's the rumored Zombie movie on his weekends. After that, it is my belief that Peter is working on something HUGE that we don't know about right now. I have heard that Peter, Fran and Phillipa are "looking at the script for the next project... and Oh my God, it's going to be film heaven!" That isn't a PJ quote, but someone else close, and I haven't a clue what it means yet, but I don't believe that it is KING KONG.

However, KING KONG is very much on Peter's radar still. SO... What does this mean? Well, it means that after he delivers RETURN OF THE KING for release this Holiday year, Peter will most likely be handling the final "Special Edition" of RETURN OF THE KING dvd + the inevitable high pressure Academy campaign for that film through March or so of 2004. I fully expect to hear about him shooting something (or two) that Summer (2004). When that will be released is anybody's clue, but I bet the target would either be for Sundance or Cannes 2005. Meanwhile, if I know Peter and Fran and Phillipa and Richard Taylor and that whole group, whatever the "Film Heaven" project is, they are already doing design work.

I know that if Richard Taylor had his wish, there would be some sort of Jules Verne-esque science fiction epic with Victorian coolness. So that is certainly a possibility. We might very well be seeing Peter taking on one of those very early turn of the century / Victorian era science fiction concepts on a grand scale, because I know that Richard Taylor very much wants to turn WETA loose on that sort of thing. At the same time, Peter continually researches and acquires items from World War 1, and I know he's got to have something up his sleeve about that, but that doesn't sound like something one would refer to as "Film Heaven" unless it involved Zombies, which are instrumental to film heaven.

SO... UNLESS, THE HOBBIT is "Film Heaven" and is being worked on extremely quietly (I don't believe this btw) it couldn't possibly be on the slate till after KING KONG, which means it would be the 5th film after RETURN OF THE KING, which would basically mean, it isn't bloody likely to be a Peter Jackson directed film... that is, unless of course, it is the mysterious "Film Heaven" project that Peter, Fran and Phillipa are currently working on.

So take a look at Latham's trailer, get a little drunk, watch it again, fall asleep and dream of that which may never be....

Click Here To Dream a nice little Dream!

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