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Movie News


Hey there, Harry errrrre... I have to reitterate how exciting it is to live in a world where Cheech & Chong are together again and making a movie! All this darkness in the world today, the bad vibes and the sphincter starch of modern society... it all seems to puff away with the knowledge that Cheech & Chong are making a new film. To celebrate this, why not go pick up a keepsake to mark this historic moment. Click Here!

Hiya there, harry!

As a fan of counter-culture film myself, I also share your enthusiasm for another Cheech and Chong flick.

I live in the Tampa Bay area, and Tommy Chong is in town promoting his current comedy tour by doing live spots on AM and FM talk radio.

Anyhoo, he was on 970 WFLA am talk show, AM TAMPA BAY starring Jack Harris, Ted Web, and Sharon Taylor.

The had tommy chong talking about a show he will be doing at our improv here in tampa bay. Tommy was also asked about the rumored Cheech and Chong reunion, and yet again, we got confirmation. Tommy was very enthusiastic, and said that this was the project that "Had to happen."

Of course, the morning crew cooed over them like radio personality's do, even making pot jokes themselves. Mind you, this is a talk show that plays to an older and very conservative audience. Webb and Harris are well known, beloved, and respected newscasters and have been in tampa for a long time. Jack is the Florida Cracker representative (even tho he is from WVA and Ted Webb represents us CUBANOS. :-) Sharon is also well liked.

So Chong joked alot about pot, said he still thinks smoking pot is perfectly fine, and he does it every day... He said he has nothing but good karma...

Also said that they just had to make the reunion before Cheech got any balder or fatter... Apparently cheech feels like its now okay to go back to his roots.

When asked about the script, he said they were completing it soon, and would probably start filming around his birthday, which is in May...

Sorry to ramble so much *COUGH* I am sure you know why, wink wink...

If not, can't wait to see this, and keep up the good work! Appreciate your hard work!

Pedro De Pacas

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