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Herc's Seen FIREFLY 1.4!!

Firefly 1.4 FAQ

What’s it called?


Who’s responsible?

Episode was written and directed by Herc’s second-favorite “Angel” writer, Tim Minear ("Couplet").

What does TV Guide say?

A salvage mission goes from dreary to deadly after the crew members find their site ravaged by the cannibalistic Reavers and targeted by an Alliance ship that could do more damage than anyone imagined.

The big news?

The letterboxing featured in the unaired pilot, “Serenity,” and last week’s first episode is gone.

Do we see what a Reaver looks like?

No. The Reavers, said to be modelled upon the Old West’s more bloodthirsty Native American tribes, remain phantoms in “Firefly.” They remained on their ship in “Serenity” and they remain offscreen in “Bushwacked” as well.

Do we learn anything about supergenius psychic-girl River Tam?

She likes the outdoors. But she’s still not talking about what was done to her at the mysterious Alliance facility that detained her.

Do we see any blue hands?

Not this week.

What’s good?

The Alliance military wears grey, and this reflects the Alliance’s complex role in the “Firefly” universe. They are neither white hats nor black hats, but Alliance militia continues to remind us of the bughunters in “Starship Troopers.” Plus? There’s an interrogation scene that brought back fond memories of the Watcher’s Council’s visit to Sunnydale.

What’s not so good?

The Alliance commander’s final decision may strike some as conveniently out of character. And it seems impossible that Capt. Reynolds would gain so much insight as to what the “survivor” was up to. To sum, the ending came off as weak.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?

“He had to. Couldn’t let us profit. Wouldn’t be civilized.”

Herc’s rating for “Firefly” 1.4?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:

  • ***** better than we deserve
  • **** better than most motion pictures
  • *** actually worth your valuable time
  • ** as horrible as most stuff on TV
  • * makes you quietly pray for bulletins

8 p.m. Friday. Fox.

I am – Hercules!!

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