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Rav floats in the canals of Venice while watching NACKT and THE MISSING GUN!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... Rav is once again giving us the lowdown from the waves of Venice, and he's got a pair of damn interesting flicks. I'd make some jokes here about Rav, but he's just too damn hot for that. So here he is...

Heya Harry and Mori,

So today I'm writing this update, right down the street Yoko Ono is presenting some of her crappy art, down the street in the other direction Jack Valenti sleeps calmly and quietly in his five star hotel. It is official I am in the seventh circle of hell, but from the depths of hell there are screening rooms...many of them and tons of foreign press that like to talk during movies. Foreign press are kind of weird actually they seem to be booing every movie so far. Nothings been left unscathed its like "movie night" at the local day care center here. So throughout this chorus of cat-calls during movies a couple of foreign gems have emerged, they are Nackt and The Missing Gun. The Missing Gun and Nackt are two great foreign flicks here that American distributers really should hurry and snatch up to show to American audiences immediately.

Now I never really intended to see The Missing Gun, I was just wandering around the Excelsior Hotel trying to score the interview of a lifetime and decided screw it I'm just going to watch a fucking movie...the next movie just happened to be Lu Chuan's The Missing Gun. Not exactly the most enticing title for a movie, I was expecting the missing gun to be just a jumping off point for the rest of the plot, but no this is an entire fucking movie about a missing fucking gun. Somehow Chuan has been able to write and direct a wonderful film about loss and trying to find fufillment in a story that is basically just a cop looking for his gun. Remember that part of Magnolia where John C. Reilly has dropped his gun and he is feeling so fucking embarassed while everyone runs around looking for it, just imagine that stretched into a Hong Kong feature with fun slick direction. This film keeps you going all the way through and never stops moving. Quite possibly the most sheer fun I will find in any of the movies out of the festival and this is the first film by the director Lu Chuan which is quite an accomplishment I must say for a first feature. Lu Chuan's The Missing Gun is perhaps the most promising debuet Hong Kong feature since Patrick Yau rocketed onto the scene with The Longest Nite (and if you havent seen that one yet, you really fucking should!). If American distributers dont get off their asses and bring this movie to America soon maybe itíll hit HK VCD and everyoneíll get to experience the wonder of Lu Chuan's The Missing Gun.

The next film I am going to talk Doris Dorrie's Nackt, this is a film I had planned to see well before I landed in the USA. I planned for it simply because Benno Furmann stars in it, and ever since The Princess and The Warrior I have become like his number one American fan. This guy is one of the best young actors working today, I can't fricken wait for American audiences to discover him in The Sineater. Although for now I have Doris Dorrie's Nackt to tide me over. A film about three couples who meet up for dinner who have basically been lifelong friends, but completely complicate all of their various relationships when play a sort of raunchy game. The game is to try to identify your mate while wearing a blindfold on and are completely naked, the same one made famous by dozens of skinemax movies late at night really. (sorry if I wrap this up quickly, I sense another power outage coming my direction) The cast is comprised of some great young German talent, specifically the female actresses. This girl Alexandra Maria Lara is a wonderful actress both beautiful and brilliant, it would be wonderful to see her crossover and do some American work. Nackt is a great entertaining film to watch, hopefully it will hit arthouses stateside soon.

Tomorrow I will be doing an interview with Mr. Furmann, hurry up and send in your questions everybody.

Well thats it for now I think I might go find some spaghetti and throw it at Yoko Ono, then burn down Jack Valenti's hotel while trying to nail an interview 3 floors below him, and then interrupt Larry Clark's press conference with a fart joke. Time to go create chaos!


E-Mail: Larry Clark - Email me - Please - I want to star in one of your movies!

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