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Movie News

DEUS EX To Be Adapted Into A Film'!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

SPY HUNTER isn’t the only videogame property that was announced this week. Seems like games are almost as hot a source right now as comic books. Check this out:

Harry! (or whoever is holding down the geek fort)

Hiya! I'm a longtime reader who stumbled across an interesting bit of news while scouring the net. Apparently Columbia Pictures has secured the rights to make a movie based on the popular video game Deus Ex. Fans of the game should be ecstatic knowing that Deus Ex, rated the 10th best game of all time by PC Gamer Magazine, is making it's way to the big screen. The game revolves around J.C. Denton, an anti terrorism agent who unravels an X-files-ish world conspiracy and features what is arguably the most compelling Sci-fi story ever told through the medium of the computer game. Laura Ziskin, fresh off of producing Spider Man for Columbia, is attached to produce. Columbia is apparently gung-ho about Deus Ex, because they are already talking about the potential of a franchise. My only hope, as a loyal fan, is that the studio doesn't shy away from some of the pre 9-11 terrorist themes in the game.

For more, CLICK HERE!!

Call me D.A.N. 1138

Thanks for the tip, man. I don’t know the game, but I’m willing to bet that many of you do, and will you’re opinions as to the viability of the film. Let’s see...

"Moriarty" out.

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