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More Proof Miramax Is Out Of Its Damn Fool Mind!! PULSE Remake!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

What's the deal?

Why have we gotten to the point now where we are actively racing to get American remakes of damn fine movies into theaters before we even give a cursory release to the original? American audiences are being denied their chance to enjoy any number of supernatural thrillers that are being enjoyed by the rest of the world, and I'm starting to get teeth-grindingly annoyed by the entire freakin' process. Here's the letter I got from our own Lost Optimist:

Hey Moriarty,

Just a tidbit of minor importance...

At last night's showing of Kiyoshi Kurosawa's PULSE--Part of "Film Comments Selects: Focus On New Japanese Cinema" at the Walter Reade Theater (NYC)--The gentleman who introduced the night's proceedings mentioned Dimension had picked up distribution rights. Unfortunately, he also mentioned that, more likely than not, the movie will never get theatrical play in the States because--Surprise, Surprise--Dimension plans on doing an English-language re-make with Wes Craven (supposedly) at the helm.


Lost Optimist

Cheers? Hardly. But thanks for the report, man.

"Moriarty" out.

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