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News on the addition of TWO TOWERS stuff at the end of FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING!

Hey folks, Harry here... According to Page Six they claim to have spoken to New Line about the additional footage that will be tacked onto the ending of LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING. The plan seems to be that it will be "a lot longer than a trailer, but I don't know how much longer." New Line seems to have told them that it would be after voting for this year's Oscars, so whenever the ballots are due in.

This jives with the news I heard that New Line was going to do a big post-Oscar theater boost, adding upto 800 additional theaters that weekend to carry the film.

Now, if perchance, Jackson's film is rewarded enough at the Ceremonies in March, there is a chance that the film could have a significant post-Oscar boost. We'll see. No matter, I just want to see that TWO TOWERS footage!

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