Ain't It Cool News (

UPDATED!! A Few New BUFFY & ANGEL Details!!

I am – Hercules!!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

Tara does indeed attend the Xander-Anya wedding “festivities” in 6.16, the big Xander-Anya wedding episode.

Dawn momentarily befriends an embarassed demon teen.

D’Hoffryn is not “FutureXander.” But he does accept Anya’s invitiation to attend the wedding.

A drunken Tony Harris trades blows with a tentacled demon, and sets off a major human-demon melee!!

Dazed from his “visions” of the future, Xander checks into a truly appalling motel.

Buffy endeavors to entertain an anxious human-demon crowd.


Gunn and Fred will enjoy a date together.

Gunn will give Fred flowers and some major kissage.

Gunn and Fred will be attacked by a freaky magnolia tree.

Thanks to RAMS for the heads up!

JAN. 17 UPDATE: BBOvenGuy, rather understandably, believes RAMS's "Angel" spoilers are a rehash of his location reports on the Fred/Gunn scene, and he has a markedly different take on at least one key point. Namely: the "date" is actually more of a stakeout.

I am – Hercules!!

To order coffee mugs and boxer shorts adorned with the image of a green, handicapable “Buffy” fanatic, click here.

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