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SmallerDemon raves about BLOOD FEAST 2: ALL-U-CAN-EAT!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... When I very first discovered that there was a possibility that I could premiere sneak BLOOD FEAST 2 at this year's BUTT-NUMB-A-THON, I was ecstatic. I would get to be the first place on the planet where folks would get a chance to see the first new Herschell Gordon Lewis movie since I was about 5 years old. For those that know, you know how cool this would be. This is the man that changed horror for the redder. Before Herschell, horror was clean and subtle. BLOOD FEAST made it bloody, he confirmed that men and women alike had guts, and wasn't afraid to spill them. In 2001, films have once again lost their guts. Herschell is here to put them back on screen where they belong. Here's a movie with guts...

Blood Feast 2 was a real suprise for me. When Harry first started discussing it, I was expecting the creepy type of gore flicks, like the serious type from the 70s, which this movie seems to actually be a sequel of, but what we got was something else -entirely-. What we got was some REAL gore and some of the best camp acting I've seen in a LONG time and some of the most hilarious lines of dialogue I've heard from a b-movie in a long long time.

The basics of BF2 can be wrapped up quickly: Grandson of the town's previous serial killer who was making a blood feast for a Babylonian god (NOT Egyptian, most people think that) moves in, is nice guy, trying to start catering business, cops don't like him, he finds statue of the god, it's eyes glow, he's now posessed by her (of sorts) and will now be creating a blood feast to her.

Fuad is hired by the young detective's future motherin-law to cater the detective's wedding. The fiance has several friends who are all very hot and seem to have an affinity toward trying on lingere in front of each other.

Our elements for the plot are complete: cannibalistic caterer to cater party of girl who has a wedding party of hot babes. Goodbye hot babes... well, after we see your breasts of course.

The movie moves ahead with its promise. Gore gore gore. Not fake gore my friends, but gore from the slaughterhouse! Fuad kills them in pretty much every way that you can kill folks with kitchen utensils.

Remembered Gorings:

Hand in the meat grinder; melon baller to remove eyes; knives for disembowlments galore; corkscrew for brain removal; knives for throat cutting; and a kitchen mallet for one of the single funniest albeit shortest moments in the entire movie.

There simly is not much in the way of complex storylines to talk about here. It's a GORE movie folks. One the premise is established (see above) basically the rest of the movie is a vehicle for choppping folks up, and we get plenty of it.

The movie is also about snappy dialogue and boobs. Breasts, Banter and Disembowelment might be a great poster snippet for this movie. The banter and snappy dialogue are in top form, although delivery is sometimes a little shaky, overall it's just nothing short of artistic. The breasts? There are plenty, and they seem to have really held onto the 70s sensibilities here. The breasts are mostly real and not gargantuan. In fact, there only seemed to be one actress at all that was too skinny, but the rest we regular gals for the most part, which made it all the more enjoyable. There is some flirting around with the hot lesbo action, but it was indeed in short supply. There was a call for more hot lesbo action in the final cut. Alas, we must wait for Blood Feast 3. Boobies fans will not be disappointed, however.

Horror fans will enjoy it, although it isn't accurately a 'horror' movie as much as it's just a slasher/gore flick. All the elements are perfect for the type of movie it is, so the fans of the genre should love it.

BNAT3 Notes from Blood Feast 2:

The Gore

Quotes from the slaughterhouse visit:

"What you boys doin' there with those brains?"

"For a movie sir."

"Do you have like some ice or something...?"

"Nawp. We gotta a bag you can put it in."

Blood Feast 2 is a basic gore slasher flick. Pretty gorey, but hilarious stuff. The banter is what makes this movie stand out.

The writers are actually here and going over what they were involved in in the making of the movie.

Shot on 35mm.

This is basically a drive-in flick which Joe Bob would love. Plenty of boobies and blood. Buckets of blood.

Crowd response was spectacular.

"We didn't have one zoom on the shoot."

Question: "Could you possibly add more hot lesbo action in the final cut?"

Writer: "Well, there's always Blood Feast 3."

John Waters was the pedophile/homosexual priest in the film.


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