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Is this the Unknown Greek Actress That Is Up For Elektra'

Hey folks, Harry here... Remember that article I wrote about Elektra a while back? Well my Fox source had told AICN that she was a beautiful Greek model with Acting experience in and around Greece that knew Martial Arts... Is this Noni Dounia... is this the unknow Greek actress? Has this fan from Greece found the mysterious, beautiful and deadly ELEKTRA? Can she act worth a spit? (and before you say WHO CARES, I do... Elektra has to be powerfully charming, mysterious, tragic and heartbroken in this story) Well, we'll see... Hopefully we'll see more of this beauty....

Its thx777b here and i am e-mailing you about bizzness. I don't think you knew but I am greek, I have been tracing the daredevil to film stories for a long time. I have ret your article on the ELECTRA and I agree with you 100% not just becouse i am greek but also becouse of my love for DAREDEVIL. I did a litle research and guess what? I found the prefect greek lady to play ELECTRA, she is a top model in greece that also does some martial-arts(tae-kvo-nto) for fun, she is also a tv host and an actress. She is amazing to look at, she is almost a clone of ELECTRA, its like she got out of a comic book and came to life! She will be perfect i tell you. You are wondering why i am e-mailing you right? With your contacts and my greek chanels we ca make this happend and make everyone happy. I would send you a few pictures of her that i found on the net and in magazines.

with endless geekness your long time reader and supporter


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