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I am – Hercules

Some stuff lots of people know -- and some stuff that very few seem to know at this point.

What lots of people know:

OZ BACK FOR A BIT? E! is running an “Everything Emmy” special (featuring interviews with the fabulous Wanda) that bemoans the Academy of TV Seniors – er, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences – and its continued snubbing of the best show eligible for Emmy nomination, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” The weird part: all sorts of footage depicts Seth Green frolicking with the current regulars. Says Jules Asner’s voice-over: they caught up with the “Buffy” crew as they shot their latest Halloween episode. Is Oz back for a bit, or was E! just airing a bit of stock footage? Herc's guessing Oz is back for Halloween.

FRESH WHEDON FOR SALE? Yes, the first issue of the four-part “Angel” comic book miniseries, co-authored by Buffyverse mastermind Joss Whedon, went on sale this week. This is only the second comic book series ever written or co-written by Whedon. (The first is the excellent, ongoing “Fray” series, which depicts the adventures of a far-future brunette slayer named Mel.)

What many don’t know yet (mammoth spoilers ahead):

We’ve just learned that rumors of a major “Buffy” character dying this season are only too true. This character will likely die at the hands of a demon and, unlike Buffy, will not undergo any kind of successful resurrection. The character is not Jonathan and it's not Giles. The character is one Herc will miss an awful lot (admittedly, this narrows it down very little). This character’s death will precipitate horrendous consequences for the Slayer Circle.

The season premiere of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" airs Oct. 2 on UPN.

I am – Hercules

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