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Movie News

BONO Working On GANGS OF NEW YORK Soundtrack!'

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

Not sure if this means "soundtrack" like he's contributing songs (which I hope is not the case) or that he's working on the actual score for the film, but there's an Italian website called CALTANET CINEMA, one of our regular Euro-AICN contributors, that posted the story that Bono will be part of the score to Martin Scorsese's upcoming GANGS OF NEW YORK.

If he's working on the score, that excites me. He's made powerful contributions to film scores in the past, and this film is going to need a special sort of aural wallpaper to tie it all together. We'll check further into this and see if there are any other guests on the soundtrack, and whether or not we're talking about songs.

"Moriarty" out.

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